
Lesbians know that sex is real, is binary, is immutable, and it matters, because we are same-SEX attracted. Some of us are mothers too, and they weren’t virgin births.

But in this delusional world, those are “hateful” things to say.  Since changes in the Sex Discrimination Act (2013) and the introduction of Sex Self-ID laws (Victoria 2019), we lesbians are no longer able to define ourselves.  We no longer have freedom of assembly either, unless we include men who identify as “transbians”.

In 2023, lesbians applied for an exemption to the Act from the Australian Human Rights Commission so that we could celebrate International Lesbian Day without men. Not only was this refused, but the Victorian “Pride” Centre refused our booking.  The Lesbian Action Group continues the political fight and has an appeal before the Administrative Tribunal.

Meanwhile, lesbians still need freedom to meet socially and enjoy our cultural heritage without harassment from lesbophobes.  So we incorporated an association named The Lesbian Club, which legally can provide services to its members.  That’s you!

Our services are to 

  1. promote a calendar of lesbian events that are known to us, by means of our website
  2. offer some events ourselves, and
  3. assist other groups of lesbians to form similar incorporated associations around Australia

We look forward to hearing your ideas, and meeting up in safe space.